Smith Design is excited to share our package design & in-store graphics for @CarvelIceCream Cakes at retail! Inspired by the new Carvel Scoop Shops brand identity & style guide, we modernized the loved and recognizable pink & blue Carvel cartons. The background screams fun and excitement with rays that emanate from behind the cone & the copy reinforces that Carvel is the The #Original Ice Cream Cake! The mouth-watering hero shot shows the delicious ice cream and generous crunchies. #celebrate #loadedwithcrunchies #iloveiccreamcakes #pieceofcarvelhistory #packagedesign by #smithdesign


Smith Design is excited to share our package design & in-store graphics for @CarvelIceCream Cakes at retail! Inspired by the new Carvel Scoop Shops brand identity & style guide, we modernized the loved and recognizable pink & blue Carvel cartons. The background screams fun and excitement with rays that emanate from behind the cone & the copy reinforces that Carvel is the The #Original Ice Cream Cake! The mouth-watering hero shot shows the delicious ice cream and generous crunchies. #celebrate  #loadedwithcrunchies #iloveiccreamcakes #pieceofcarvelhistory #packagedesign by #smithdesign

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