40 Acts of Kindness Initiative Stays Strong in April


With the halfway point of the year coming up fast, Smith Design remained committed to its 40 Acts of Kindness initiative, working with several outstanding organizations to give back to our community.

With #trashtag exploding on all social media platforms, Smith Design wanted to do our part helping out an environmental cause, and saw two great opportunities on opposite sides of the country. Right in our own backyard, Miles Hoffman, Melissa Sadowski and Gene Freyer participated in the annual Morristown Cleanup movement, spending a Saturday picking up trash around town and restoring the landscape’s natural beauty. Meanwhile, in Pacific Grove California, James and Laraine Smith spent 2 days collecting garbage in Perkins Park. Both efforts are proof that even the smallest gesture can have an impact on our environment and communities.

James and Laraine stayed busy in April, donating more than just their time to some very worthy causes. They visited Goodwill Central Coast and The Yellow Brick Road , where they dropped off a number of essential items such as clothing, pillows and shoes.

Typically, toy drives are held towards the end of the year to coincide with the holiday season- but who wants to wait that long? The Smith Design team collected a large donation of new toys and delivered them to Children’s Aid & Family Services in Paramus, who provide a number of services such as facilitating adoptions, providing foster care, and so much more. We were so happy to help bring some joy into the lives of these children, and we wish this wonderful organization all the best in their future endeavors.  

North Jersey Friendship House, located in Hackensack New Jersey, was established to improve the lives of people with disabilities, equipping them with the knowledge and experience to have successful careers. One of the successful programs they run centers around professional culinary training, and they were as thrilled to receive Smith Design’s donation of baking supplies as we were to give them!

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    At Smith Design, our culture is rooted in caring. We make a conscious and collective effort to translate our values into actions that benefit our staff, our clients, our community and our environment.


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