2022 FounderMade Discovery Show


In-person conferences and events are back and better than ever and our Smith Design team has been taking advantage of every event that we can. Most recently, Smith Design had the opportunity to attend the 2022 FounderMade Discovery Show at Spring Studios in New York. We met with some large companies such as TikTok, Honey, Athleta, as well as some up-and-coming emerging brands that are eager to take the industry by storm with new and innovative products. We had a great time immersing ourselves in current trends, tasting the new creative snacks and drinks, and connecting with inspiring Founders and CEO’s on their stories behind each brand…all while taking tons of pictures and videos to capture each moment!  

From beauty, health, wellness and fitness to food and beverage, in both the D2C and CPG space, FounderMade had something for everyone. While all brands had different missions and innovative ideas, there were trends that remained consistent throughout the event. 

When it came to package design, we noticed some reoccurring trends being used.  Many companies were very minimalistic when it came to the designs for their packaging and displays. Keeping within a color palette of 1-4 colors or a majority of the packaging being black or white. Any other art or patterns within the designs were kept rather simple.  

Some brand were taking advantage of neutral pastels, and earth/jewel toned color palettes, utilizing the warmer colored greens, purples, and pinks to convey the values they represent.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we had brands with bright, colorful, and fun package designs and displays that stood out. Utilizing funky patterns and bold color combinations that brought forward a different type of brand personality and overall vibe.  

While there were many differences in the package and display designs – most of the brands had the same value and mission of being sustainably friendly and checking the box for all things natural and cruelty free. When speaking to many Founders, CEO’s, and members of the brand’s teams, it was exciting to experience their passion and determination to create products that are beautiful on the inside and out. Products with natural ingredients and eco-friendly packaging that not only benefit the consumer using it, but also the environment. Specific claims that were widely seen included all natural, paraben free, sulfate free, cruelty free, plastic free, vegan, and zero waste. 

As far as the displays go, you never knew what to expect! There was a gelato Keurig maker, an indoor food truck display handing out mocktails, matching bright pink jumpsuits, a wheel to spin and win a free full size beauty product, and a wall of upscale purses that were actually lunch boxes.


And for the samples, we tried everything from baby food and gelato to pizza sauce and wines, the variety was endless. In the personal care space, we were able to test out deodorants, moisturizers, and makeup products.

It was such a hands-on experience, while also having the best time connecting with brands to learn about their stories and products and getting to see the many different trends. We cannot wait until the next event!  

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    At Smith Design, our culture is rooted in caring. We make a conscious and collective effort to translate our values into actions that benefit our staff, our clients, our community and our environment.


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